Claims Prevention

How the natural disasters have impacted the insurance companies?

One of the clearest examples we got to this point was the earthquake that struck Chile on February 27, 2010, which cost the insurance and reinsurance industry between USD 8,000 and USD 10,000 million.

An important fact is that the losses were borne almost entirely by the world reinsurance industry, as local insurers transferred these risks to them due to their catastrophic nature.

Volume of claims processed

It is known that at least 222,065 claims were reached, where 190,199 corresponded to housing risks and 31,866 to claims in various risks of homes such as offices or shops.

These figures translate into more than eight years of claims in the fire industry and it has been one of the most difficult situations in testing the ability of insurers and adjusters to respond to such colossal demand. These events forced the insurance industry to seek a large amount of internal and external resources, both human and IT, to comply with the settlement and payment processes.

The premiums

Regarding the economic and financial effects in this sector, it was learned that the fees charged in catastrophic lines were insufficient. The earthquake and subsequent tsunami exceeded what was collected in the last 30 years in catastrophic premiums and in fact, the reinsurance industry reacted by adjusting the terms and conditions offered in the renewals after the unfortunate event, both in proportional and non-proportional contracts, in a manner increase in rates, decrease in commissions, and imposition of limits by event and validity, among others.

Natural disasters always happen suddenly, that is why it is important that we all be aware and work to prepare ourselves and know well what we can do in the event of one, in order to remain calm, to be able to be for our insured and give them satisfaction and help they so badly need at that time.

Claims Prevention

Earthquakes: Everything you need to know to be prepared

Understanding that tsunamis, earthquakes, and natural disasters in general, happen unexpectedly, do you know how you can prepare in case they happen?

Here are some tips that you can take into account are:

1.Always have your personal documents, emergency numbers, flashlights, batteries and a first aid kit at hand, in this you should have the following products:

Wound disinfectant, antibiotic ointment, individually packaged alcohol pads, aspirin, acetaminophen, antidiarrheal and commonly used prescription drugs, eye drops, bandages and gauze, cotton, tape, scissors and tweezers, thermometer, soap, tissues, sunscreen, plastic bags, thread and needles, sanitary napkins.

2. Have these tools on hand:

Ax, shovel, broom, screwdrivers, pliers, hammer, adjustable wrench, thick shoes, gloves, candles and matches, change clothes, sheets, tent, fire extinguisher, toilet paper and cash.

3. Try to have emergency food stored:

Non-perishable products such as canned food, food that does not need to be cooked, baby and pet food, food that is not salty or spicy, as they increase the need to consume water.

4. Prepare a plan that you can apply with your family or co-workers.

5. Periodically check the electrical installations and repair them if necessary.

It is important that we all be aware and work to prepare well to be able to cope with the situation in the best possible way and thus be able to help others. That they may need our support and help.

Claims Prevention

How can we act in case of a natural disaster?

The main objective of the prevention measures is to reduce the negative impact when a natural disaster occurs, in terms of human losses and possible damages that economic activities may suffer. That is why depending on the natural catastrophe we are talking about, we can carry out certain ones to protect ourselves:

1.Slides or landslides:

  • Do not overload the floors with constructions.
  • Avoid deforestation of land.
  • Prevent the water in the pipes from leaking.
  • Inform Civil Protection about any irregular situation.

2.Volcanic eruptions:

  • Avoid building houses near volcanoes.
  • Do not visit active volcanoes that are emitting ash or gases.
  • In case of contact with toxic gases from volcanoes, cover our nose with a cloth moistened in vinegar.
  • In case the competent authorities recommend the evacuation of the community, follow their instructions and protect ourselves as soon as possible.

3. Tsunamis

  • If you are in coastal areas, pay close attention to possible tsunami warnings.
  • Have an evacuation route in sight that leads to some elevated location.
  • Stay totally away.
  • Stay tuned for any announcement from the authorities.

4. Earthquakes or schism: the Earth’s surface is divided into blocks called tectonic plates, which are in continuous motion. When two plates collide, a large amount of energy accumulates and when this is released, the earthquake occurs.

Some measures to take care of ourselves in case it happens are:

If you are at home:

  • Always stay calm.
  • Have a first aid kit, it will be very useful.
  • Have at hand the emergency numbers of the Civil Defense, fire, police, hospitals, among others.
  • If possible, turn off the electricity, water and gas.
  • Get under a sturdy table, a door frame, and cover your head with a cushion or something sturdy.
  • Stay away from windows, shelves, lamps, and mirrors. Don’t use the elevators.

If you are on the street:

  • Stay away from poles, trees, and power lines.
  • If you are in a movie theater or restaurant, avoid running towards the doors.
  • If you are in the moving car, stop quickly and stay inside the vehicle that the shaking passes.
  • Avoid stopping near or under buildings, bridges, or trees.

5. Forest fires:

It is the fire that spreads in an excessive way in forest or wild lands, affecting flora, fauna and even human lives.

Some measures to take care of ourselves in case it happens are:

  • Get as far away from the affected area as possible.
  • Contact emergency agencies and report the situation.
  • Stay away from the fire and cover your mouth with a damp cloth.
  • Watch the wind, a change can make the fire surround you, so always try to go in the opposite direction.
  • Do not run from the fire up the slope, better go through the burned areas and try to be near rivers or roads.

Throughout history, we have seen various natural disasters, which have not only caused millions in losses, but have also destroyed homes, families and the environment of many people.

Let us be aware and take care of the environment, since it is the home where we will stay all our lives. Most natural disasters are the consequence of poor human decisions.

Claims Prevention

Learn a little more about natural disasters

In a world as changing as ours, it is logical to think about the importance of having an insurance company that is our ally and protects us and our assets in the event of an unfortunate event.

The collision of a car, a fire at home and even some illness that we are going to treat ourselves, are some of the most common accidents, but how much would you know how to do in case of a flood due to rains, an earthquake and even a tsunami?

What are natural disasters?

It refers to the great material losses and human lives produced as a consequence of natural phenomena such as floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, among others, which are often the product of human activities.

Its consequences

  • Deadly effects caused by the fall of buildings or trees, freezing, dragging by avalanches, heat strokes among many others.
  • In the case of tsunamis, fields covered by salt water take many years to be cultivated again.
  • Damage to public transport, means of transport and homes as a result of hurricanes, floods, avalanches, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, etc.
  • Cuts of basic services.
  • Damnifications.

What are their types?

Meteorological: they refer to those disasters that are related to the climate, which can be predicted thanks to the use of modern technologies by seeing the behavior of the climate and the possibility of affecting a certain place and time.

Hydrological: are those that originate in water, that is, oceans, seas and rivers. These occur as a consequence of the action of the waters: floods, tsunamis, waves, tornadoes, tropical storms, hurricanes, hail, snowfall, among others.

Geophysical: they are natural disasters that arise from the earth’s surface and its entrails: landslides, avalanches, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, fires, etc.

Biological: they are caused by some particular circumstance within the animal kingdom that in some way affect the environment and humanity. In this category we can exemplify: epidemics, plagues, avian flu, swine flu, among others.

The main triggers of natural disasters are the over-exploitation of resources as they cause problems such as pollution and climate change, promoting negative situations for the planet.

Did you know that one of the largest millionaire losses caused by a tsunami and earthquake occurred in Japan in 2011? Turning around US $ 195-305 billion.

Natural disasters have been around forever and as they come, they take many lives, structures and places with them. It is important to know how we can protect ourselves and how to act in the event that we are going through a catastrophic event to protect as much as possible.

Be aware and take care of the environment, remember that many natural disasters are the consequence of the bad actions of human beings.