
Discover the impact of the Customer Journey in the insurance industry

In the current uncertain but incredible panorama in which society has been rapidly transforming, driven by digitization and globalization, the consumption habits of people and, therefore, of industries, have been experiencing an unprecedented change.

Among the sectors most affected by this change, we find insurance, where the crisis, the new lifestyles of policyholders and competition, driven by technology, have forced and pressured insurers to reinvent themselves and find new ways of deliver value to customers.

In that sense, the Customer journey plays an indispensable role since it is about the experiences of a consumer during the process before and after the purchase of a product or service. In the insurance industry, the almost unique way to improve the customer experience is through interactions made through customer service.

Consumers today are looking for something else, if we compare what the customer experience was like years ago, today there are many more intangible products and services that are associated with experiences.

In the insurance sector, we acquire a service in the event of accidents of various kinds, which we can «feel» at the time of the claim. The profitability of insurance companies depends on the retention of their clients, which is why it is essential to achieve loyalty through experience.

Loyalty in the current era is based on knowing the needs of the client, in order to offer them a complete and satisfactory experience that provides them with differential value.

To do this, we must focus on the following key points:

  1. Define a Customer Service model that integrates the different channels (traditional, digital, robotic channels, conversational platforms and mediators).
  2. Identify and create new points of contact, using all the information available about your customers through the different sources of information.
  3. Establish a data collection and analysis strategy that provides a deep understanding of the client.
  4. Offer a value proposition to intermediaries that improves their adoption of the changes involved in offering the customer a differential Customer Service.
  5. Design a model that has the necessary tools to address the challenge of creating a differential Customer Service and leading cultural change within the company.

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