
Does Health Insurance Cover Covid-19?

The appearance of the Coronavirus was accompanied by a lot of fear, crisis and a lot of uncertainty, but currently there are many people infected worldwide, who have been fighting for their lives, even in very serious conditions. It is for this reason that many people have wondered if their Health Insurance covers this disease or what to do to make it possible. In this article, we will answer many of your questions.

Which insurance policies are covering Covid-19?

There is an important point within this question, since the policies exclude the declaration of a pandemic in all contracts of the insurance industry, however, some companies have decided to cover the benefits derived from Covid-19.

According to data from the Insurers Association, 93% of the people who have complementary health insurance, if they are covered for the Coronavirus, where also some catastrophic ones have incorporated it and all the CAEC (Additional coverage for catastrophic illnesses), cover it.

What do we recommend? Check the policy with the insurance company as the conditions vary according to the contracts.

Can you buy a health insurance if you tested positive for Covid-19?

Yes, you can, but most health insurance does not cover pre-existing diseases, so if you were diagnosed with Coronavirus before hiring the insurance, it will not have coverage for the disease.

What is the best option to cover the treatment of Covid-19?

It depends a lot on the situation of each insured, the coverage and the diagnosis revealed. In the first place, each person must operate in the public or private health system and then the adjacent insurances that are available; In any case, when in doubt, it is important to request the necessary guidance from the insurance company, Isapre or Fonasa.

As a closing of the article, it should be noted how important it is to have health insurance, since in the unforeseen current scenario, one is essential due to the high costs of treatment or hospitalization that may be required in case of contagion. Remember that life is priceless, insurance does, and it is not that expensive.

At LISA we care about clients and their satisfaction throughout the settlement process, which is why they will be able to obtain a resolution in record time regarding their health claim with LISA Claims.

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